Containers: For OUR ‘Raw’ Milk

We provide 1L, 2L and 8-pint (Gallon) and 25 L milk buckets - all are new plastic containers provided at cost price:

  • 1 litre = 15p

  • 2 litre=30p

  • 8-pint (gallon) = £1.05

  • 25 litre milk bucket with lid = £7.50 (can be returned with full refund provided thoroughly cleaned and not damaged).


  • 1Litre = 15p - included in overall price

  • 2Litre - 30p - included in overall price

Please note new containers only are filled with our pasteurized milk.

Re-Fills for ‘raw’ milk- We can fill your own container (one previously purchased from us or a suitable container of your own)

Please note that we are unable to re-fill any container with Pasteurized milk, this is due to the resources at the farm and recommendations from the Food Standards Agency.

However for ‘ Raw’ Milk:

  • We will re-fill your container with ‘raw’ milk saving you the cost of purchasing a new container every time.

  • Please check your container is suitably clean prior to collection. inspect your container and lid in a bright light for signs of residue or milk stone build-up (inspect the handle with extra vigilance; in addition ensure your container not only looks clean but smells clean too, any odor suggests bacteria are present. we cannot stress the importance enough of this process for all who intend to consume the milk from your container.

  • We do not provide a container washing service and it can only be re-filled if thoroughly clean and not damaged. Please do not hesitate to discuss this with us. We have some top tips of how to safely get many uses out of your container. We will not re-fill contaminated containers due to the health risks associated with doing so.

  • Sorry we cannot recycle your old containers due to our own restricted recycling capacity and we only provide new containers to our customers.

  • Please identify your containers. We are now so busy with customers bringing identical containers for re-filling that it is essential that each customer is able to identify their own container/s. please write your name or initials clearly on the container and lid to avoid mistakes by other customers picking up your container instead of their own, Should another customer take your container/milk we are not able to provide you with a refund, therefore especially when we are busy we highly suggest that you identify and guard your container. We provide indelible pens for your use at the re-fill milk table. Feel free to entertain us with more artistic versions of this.

  • For abandoned and forgotten milk containers, yes it does happen! unfortunately we are unable to keep this milk for more than 30 minutes due to the milk temperature regulation. The milk and container will be discarded and as such no re-fund is possible.

Important information if you choose to use your own container not purchased from us.

  • We are happy to fill your own container with ‘raw milk’ (not pasteurized) milk, provided that the opening of the container is large enough for our milk pump (pop bottles openings are just not large enough).

  • Many customers have purchased Litre glass bottles, steel mini churns etc.. We suggest prior to purchasing any expensive containers chat to us for advice first to ensure the container is suitable.

  • We do insist that it is clear what amount of fluid is contained in your container, if not marked pre-measure and clearly mark your container to the fill-line to the nearest litre mark. We will be unable to measure your container due to the volume of customers requiring our attention. If the container is not clearly marked to the accurate fluid contained we will unfortunately not be unable to fill the container.